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Pink Sugar

Shrimati Pictures Studio

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If you are a singer and want to create your own album then our studio will fulfill your dream. Our studio is one of the popular audio production facilities in Kolkata. We are ready to handle all your music production and creative audio needs from composing, recording, mixing and mastering. We will try our best to make your song popular.

Our studios can be used to record singers, instrumental musicians, voice-over artists for commercials or social media by paying reasonable prices. Our  recording studios charge fees according to their duration of usage, and other factors. The average charge is between Rs. 500 to 1500 per hour.

We provide top service in the following categories: Recording Studios, Digital Recording Studios, Voice Coordinators, Voice Over Artists, Audio Editing Studios, Sound Recording Studios. We built it to accommodate dubbing, string sessions, and music production projects.


This studio is  in memory of late maestro Kanan Devi. 

If you want to make your song popular then please contact by entering your email.

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